Monday 10/25/2021 by phishnet


[Thank you to contributor Willie (@twelvethousandmotherfker) for this recap. -Ed.]

After three long years, and fifteen months to the day from the originally scheduled date, Phish returned to the phabulous Forum last night to play a rock concert. Thank Icculus.

For me, it was my first indoor show since Nassau in 2019, and damn was it good to be back. I didn’t realize how much I missed standing with my buddies in my favorite spot (right in front of Mike), sharing in the joy and community and, yes, groove that makes Phish so special. We’re all extremely lucky this is still happening -- I don’t want to forget that. Plus, they’ve been playing out of their minds!

So, let’s dig in.

Photo by Kevin Umberger
Photo by Kevin Umberger


Sunday 10/24/2021 by phishnet


[ welcomes back and thanks guest recapper Alaina Stamatis (@farmhose, twitter: @fad_albert) for this recap. -Ed.]

Phish performs in different places around the country to convince their fans to move there. No doubt that the luxury housing development atop the mountain range behind Chula Vista’s North Island Credit Union Amphitheater was able to advertise breathtaking views *and* the opportunity to listen to a live Phish concert while laying on your deck, totally nude, spun out of gourd without any LiveNation employees to hassle you.

The beauty of the late fall outdoor show is that the concert begins in the dark so the light show is in full force. Palm trees lined the back of the lawn, which was not overpacked like most of the lawns were this summer. A pamphlet from the Twelve Tribes somehow ends up on our blanket.

© 2021 Phish - Rene Huemer
© 2021 Phish - Rene Huemer


Saturday 10/23/2021 by phishnet


[Thank you to contributor @brad10s (from @HFPod, and @b10brook on Twitter) for this recap. -Ed.]

My wife, Kylie, and I have lived in Phoenix since 2006. That means we moved to Arizona three years after Phish last played it. Their last show in the desert southwest was on July 7, 2003, at the same venue (different name). Needless to say, we have been awaiting their return since we arrived 15 years ago. This was absolutely a ‘hometown show’ for us and the excitement was built for a few reasons. Not only was it Kylie’s first show since 9/5/15 (and second since 12/7/97!), it was our kids’ first show ever and my first show in a proper outdoor shed since 2018. On top of all this we had friends in from Michigan and a local friend came along for his first show. A proper crew was engaged and ready.

Phish delivered. It was a wonderfully crafted show. An almost perfect one-off, Friday set list full of well-known rockers and newer tunes that were taken deep. “Julius” is an opener I’m always up for as it sets a bouncy, dance-y precedence…even when you don’t get through security until half through the tune. It took us about an hour to get through the line. The venue has only two entrances, so no one could have seen that coming.

Photo by Kevin Umberger
Photo by Kevin Umberger


Friday 10/22/2021 by Doctor_Smarty


[Thank you to and PNW local @Doctor_Smarty (twitter: @paisley_brains) for this recap. -Ed.]

Though I have been away from the place where I usually rest my head for a few days, I can say, with all honesty, that I never left home. Such is the joy of having Phish settle in for a few days of their unique brand of quackery in the home of the ducks. I have spent a lot of time in Eugene, the place is familiar. This familiarity leads to relaxation. The mid-week doubleheader further expands the timeline of the experience to allow for a long day and longer night of making real connections with friends old and new. The PNW regional branch of the PSH class of 1983 reunion was in full effect at the Best Western New Oregon, a stone’s throw across the street from the Matt Knight Arena. Minds were blown, faces were melted. Not many people came, tickets went unused, but those who did make the journey were not disappointed.

Photo - @FunkyCFunkyDo
Photo - @FunkyCFunkyDo


Wednesday 10/20/2021 by zzyzx


The last few weeks have been rough both personally and for the Phish community at large. I caught Covid after a Billy Strings concert and on September 28, I had to go to the hospital as I was having symptoms of hypoxia. Fortunately it was "just" the Covid creating pneumonia and the ER sent me home a few hours later, but in the moment it was terrifying. I didn't know if I would ever leave the hospital again.

The one cool thing that did happen from that horrible day is that Trey was tipped off that I was there and he sent me a message from his solo set that night, telling the story about how me timing songs and how I might not have been the fan that musicians dream about when they form a band, but ultimately moved it to a direction of genuine affection, a sign that Trey really does care about the community.

So after the drama of catching Corona, fearing for one's life, and then recovering, three weeks from the day of my hospital visit, I somehow found myself inside Matthew Knight Arena - on the floor close to the stage no less - about to see Phish. And what do they start with? "Down With Disease." And not just any "Down With Disease" but the 6th longest ever played. While I doubt it was intentional, that opener - complete with a few interesting themes, a "There is a Mountain" tease, and some very cool effects from Mike - felt like a perfect way to mark the end of one of the scariest chapters of my life.

Photo © Phish, by Rene Huemer
Photo © Phish, by Rene Huemer


Monday 10/18/2021 by uctweezer


I’ll cut to the Chase: a Phish fan tragically died at last night’s show after jumping from section 221 (or thereabouts) and landing in section 115 (or thereabouts) during “Destiny Unbound.” By all accounts it was a horrifying incident for those who witnessed any part of the fall or its aftermath. You can read about it in the news, in the Forum, or on Phantasy Tour, Reddit, and anywhere else Phish fans talk online. I was on the floor when it happened and I had no idea - I didn’t find out until I checked my text messages this morning. In no way did last night’s tragedy shade my experience of the music in the moment, and while I’m deeply saddened by the news and find myself reflecting on the evening from a different headspace today than I had while walking back to my car after the show, I’m going to do my best to write from the (ignorant and blissful) perspective I had during the show. In hindsight it’s easy to draw connections between the show and our fellow fan’s tragic death (e.g., “How could they play ‘Set Your Soul Free’ > ‘Wingsuit’ after someone jumped to their death?”), but I’m working under the assumption that these connections are nothing more than unfortunate coincidences. If you were directly affected by last night’s tragedy, please find someone to talk to, and don’t be ashamed to reach out for professional help. Finally, if you’re ever feeling like you might harm yourself, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - there’s someone available to talk to you any time: (800) 273-8255. Please take care of yourselves and each other.

Photo © Phish, by Rene Huemer
Photo © Phish, by Rene Huemer


Sunday 10/17/2021 by phishnet


[ thanks guest recapper Landon Schoenefeld (@nomidwestlove, IG: @_colonel_mustard) for writing this recap. -Ed.]

Let me just start out by saying that I love “dirty” east coast Phish (looking at you Providence and Long Island). I’m also enamored by sweaty southern Phish and I definitely have a proclivity for the sprawling Alpine Valley Phish, but who can really ignore the majesty of West Coast Phish? And is it just me, or does California Phish, specifically, just seem to hit differently? In 1995, 2pac and Dr. Dre did confirm that California does indeed know how to party. And after only the 2nd show of this tour, Phish is already showing plenty of California love.

© 2021 Phish - Rene Huemer
© 2021 Phish - Rene Huemer


Saturday 10/16/2021 by phishnet


[ thanks first-time volunteer recapper Sterling Diesel (@sterlingpiper83) for writing this recap. -Ed.)

So this all started back at Shoreline, I met a platypi guy. We talked about how much we loved the band, I mentioned how I would love to write a review of a show, and bam, here I am :-). Thank you all for having me, it is very much appreciated.

After 2,252 miles I am ready to be out of my Volvo. I love it, but I got snowed in for about 15 hours at a rest area just outside Cheyenne on the way here and I am so ready to be out of it for a while. It is almost that time, the map is telling me the venue is just 3 minutes away, finally, it has been a long drive --- I see You Golden 1 Center, I will be there directly, just let me find a place to park first. I do just that and stroll up to the gate at 2:38pm local time and find myself to be just the 5th person in line. I meet a very nice gentleman named Michael, we talk about pyrokinesis, many smiles are created. I see Rosie coming from across the way; I met her a few weeks back on the rail in Pittsburgh at TAB, I am very glad to see her shining today. We talk about Trey's 4 song smile from that night. It's almost that time, here comes Rick with the wristbands now. Ahh, yeah! Looks like I'm gonna be the 8th person in tonight :-)

© 2021 Phish - Rene Huemer
© 2021 Phish - Rene Huemer


Wednesday 10/13/2021 by phishnet


Dan Mielcarz (ColForbin here at has a doctorate in Microbiology and Immunology from the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth. He is currently the Director of DartLab, the immune monitoring and flow cytometry shared resource at the Norris Cotton Cancer Center in Lebanon, NH. We asked him to write a short piece on staying safe at indoor shows.

With fall tour and indoor shows upon us, some of you may be wondering what the best practices from a COVID-19 safety standpoint might be. As an immunologist, I was happy to see Phish change from a free-for-all at the beginning of summer tour to requiring vaccination or a negative test. This makes for a much safer environment for the band and fans alike. Vaccination is the number one way to stay healthy in the pandemic. If you aren’t vaccinated you are taking a huge unnecessary risk, so please, get the shots. And if you are eligible, get a booster. The sooner you get your shots the better, as peak protection takes at least 1 week past the second (or booster) dose.

Also, please do not come to a show if you are feeling sick. At the very least, take a rapid antigen test (I like the BinaxNow brand) if you have any symptoms and only attend if you are negative. I know how excruciatingly hard it is to miss a Phish show you have been looking forward to for years, but skipping a show when you feel sick is one of the most selfless acts a person can make in 2021, and will be repaid down the road, I assure you.

Beyond vaccination and staying home if you feel sick, what is the number one thing you can do to stay safe at a Phish concert this fall? Wearing a mask. In the words of the band themselves: “We strongly recommend that you wear a mask at Phish shows when social distancing isn’t possible.” When is social distancing not possible at an indoor Phish show? Everywhere. So you need to wear a mask everywhere. Universal masking will protect you, other fans, and the band. I know Trey continued his tour when some members of his band got infected, but there is no way that will happen with Phish.


Tuesday 10/12/2021 by FunkyCFunkyDo


[Take the Bait is spirited deliberation centered around the hyperbole of Phish’s music and fandom, passionately exuded via the written words of contributors @FunkyCFunkyDo and @n00b100. Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of, The Mockingbird Foundation, or any fan… but we're pretty sure we’re right. Probably.]

The Bait: Summer 2021 is the best tour since Winter 2003.

Funky: Once in a great while, we are privileged to experience an event so extraordinary, it becomes part of our shared heritage. 1969: Man walks on the moon. 1971: Man walks on the moon…. again. Then for a long time, nothing happened. Until today. n00b and I are proud to finally present: The 17th volume spectacular of Take the Bait! ::crickets chirping:: I said, The 17th volume spectacular of… ahhh forget it...

Before we get started, let’s make one thing abundantly clear: we - verrry apathetically - do not care if you call it 3.0 or 4.0. “But Funky, Trey’s 4.0 guita-” QUIET YOU! “But n00b, they took almost a year and a half of-” YOU SHHMMM! And if any of you nerds nitpick this, well, I’m not sure how to finish that threat, but be warned: I will caustically and needlessly shame you in the comments section - like a mature internet stranger should. And n00b knows how to fire a crossbow! Very good.

© 2021 Phish - Rene Huemer
© 2021 Phish - Rene Huemer


Monday 10/11/2021 by uctweezer


Welcome to the 480th edition of Phish.Net's Mystery Jam Monday, the second puzzle of October - shout-out to @justino for one of the clips! The winner will receive an MP3 download code courtesy of our friends at / Nugs.Net. To win, be the first person to identify the song and date of both mystery clips, which are connected by a theme. Each person gets one guess to start – if no one answers correctly in the first 24 hours, I'll post a hint. After the hint, everyone gets one more guess before Wednesday at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET. Stay safe!


Wednesday 10/06/2021 by uctweezer


John Greene - keyboardist of Bay Area Phish Tribute Chum, provider of "John's Special Tape" (containing the Gamehendge CD-ROM footage), and one of the first users to join the PhishNet - is fighting cancer ... again. His sons Floyd and Orion are raising funds in his honor for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Please consider donating towards their $50K goal to aid scientific research for treatment of these hard-to-treat cancers - you can read more about their story and donate here:

Floyd & Orion's Daddy will KIA Again!! (

Today, October 6th, is actually JG's birthday - when asked if there was anything special he wanted from his friends, he said all he wants is the Eagles to beat the Panthers this weekend and for his friends to donate to Floyd and Orion's fundraiser! You can follow John's treatment and recovery on his blog here:


Monday 10/04/2021 by uctweezer


Reminder: For the first MJM of each month, only folks who have never won an MJM are allowed to answer on the blog before the hint. If you have never won an MJM, please answer as a comment below. If you have previously won an MJM, but you'd like to submit a guess before the hint, you may do so by PMing me; once the hint has been posted, everyone should answer on the blog. If that's confusing to you, check out the handy decision tree that I threw together for you. If you're not sure if you've won before, check in the MJM Results spreadsheet linked below.

Welcome to the 479th edition of Phish.Net's Mystery Jam Monday, the first of October - shout out to @justino for the clip! The winner will receive an two MP3 download codes courtesy of our friends at / Nugs.Net. To win, be the first person to identify the song and date of the mystery jam. Each person gets one guess to start – if no one answers correctly in the first 24 hours, I'll post a hint. After the hint, everyone gets one more guess before Wednesday at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET. Stay safe!


Monday 09/27/2021 by uctweezer


Welcome to the 478th edition of Phish.Net's Mystery Jam Monday, the final and most difficult puzzle of September - shout-out to @sumac22 for one of the clips! The winner will receive an MP3 download code courtesy of our friends at / Nugs.Net. To win, be the first person to identify the song and date of all three mystery clips, which are connected by a theme. Each person gets one guess to start – if no one answers correctly in the first 24 hours, I'll post a hint. After the hint, everyone gets one more guess before Wednesday at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET. Stay safe!


Monday 09/20/2021 by uctweezer


Welcome to the 477th edition of Phish.Net's Mystery Jam Monday, the second puzzle of September - shout-out to @sumac22 for one of the clips! The winner will receive an MP3 download code courtesy of our friends at / Nugs.Net. To win, be the first person to identify the song and date of both mystery clips, which are connected by a theme. Each person gets one guess to start – if no one answers correctly in the first 24 hours, I'll post a hint. After the hint, everyone gets one more guess before Wednesday at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET. Stay safe!


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